Sunday, January 9, 2011

Tucson Tragedy

Such a sad event...No words can even describe the tragedy that occurred in Tucson yesterday. Innocent people shot and killed, not to mention a beautiful little 9 year old girl Christina Greene. I cannot even begin to know what their families are going through, like I said, there are no words to describe it. My prayers go out to all the victims and their families.


Unknown said...

It's really sad to know that we are are still experiencing a lot of tragedies today and we have to face the truth that if it's really your time to die, you have to be always ready and prepared for that. In Bay Area, personal injury attorneys are the advisers of different victims of crimes and tragedies and also in Bay Area, personal injury lawyers help these victims have the justice that they want for them to have peace in their hearts.

Alecia said...

It's bad to hear that even a nine-year old was victimized in this shooting. Christina Greene, together with the other victims, deserves justice. This case is a national case that needs immediate resolution soon.

[Alecia Longsworth]