Saturday, July 31, 2010

To Weigh or Not To Weigh?

To weigh or not to weigh, that is the question. I have had a scale in my house for most of my adult life. Faithfully weighing myself every morning and watching the numbers climb upward....during the packing and moving recently I tossed the scale in the trash, it was not accurate and old. I decided I did not need a scale any longer to tell me I needed to lose weight! Look in the mirror, you'll get the same answer! And some experts scale. Just try to eat healthy and exercise, just "feel" good about yourself. BS, I need numbers!
So, 2 weeks now into this lose 30 lbs thing...and I have no idea how much I weigh. I know I have lost a few lbs, but I need to know how much. I need to adjust (eating, work outs) if the results are not what they should be. If I'm gonna bust my butt trying to run, I better be losing a few lbs. So, I,m caving in. Today I'm going to Target and buying a scale...can't wait, or should I say weight?

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Did I really say 9 miles?????

Lord help me...9 miles, well actually a 15K is about 9.3 I think. What was I thinking....maybe a 10K would be better? I have been working out and trying to run a little, get this old girl into shape. I have been doing about 40-50 minutes of cardio most days. The last 2 days I have walk/jogged about 40 minutes. I think I can probably run 1 mile...thats it. I could briskly walk till the cows come home...but an actual What am I thinking, I know Rome wasn't built in a day...but this may take longer than 6 months. The race is in January. One day at a time....
Also, the diet: cottage cheese, carrots, veggies, lean meat, salads, did I say carrots? I'm sure if I lose this 30 lbs, I could probably run a marathon! One day at a time....if any of you want to join me in this race, feel free to jump in at any time. :)

Monday, July 26, 2010

Too Much Fun.....

Okay, having too much fun here in Texas! More than a girl can handle. Today's festivities included:
Woke up, made coffee, vacuumed.
Read emails, worked out.
For lunch: 1 cheese stick, turkey, and carrots, yum!
Vacuumed then had dinner.
Dinner: salad with grilled chicken.
Snack: almonds and walnuts and craisins (mix) my own personal trail mix recipe.
Okay, I know your all jealous of my life, so to make you really jealous, I think I'll go vacuum.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

20 Is Now 30......

Actually maybe 25, I've dropped a few.
Okay people, I have been wanting to lose 20 lbs for about 5 years now. And in the last 6 months, I have gained another 10, so there you have it 30 lbs! This is so hard for me to even grasp! I was the skinniest girl in my class.....every class! Elementary, Middle, and High School! I was also the skinniest of my fiends in College....Even after 2 kids, I was skinny, probably up to about 38 years old....then came "I'd like to lose 5 lbs, I said that for a good 5 years, then eight, then 10, then 15....and on and on and on.
I am a broken record, I can hardly listen to myself anymore, I'm sure no one else can's time to shit or get off the pot! (sorry) So my beautiful skinny daughter, who as most of you know ran track in college....tells me to run a marathon, NO WAY, I can't even bring myself to think about that...torture, then she says 1/2 marathon....hmmmm....13 miles? NO WAY! I have to be realistic...a 10K that's for me...I know I can do it, I've done them before. NO, what a whimp, I need a challenge, one that makes me run, and train hard....I found it, a 15K-9 miles....I think I could do that? I don't know-scary....maybe, pray for me. :)

Friday, July 23, 2010

Flea For Texas.....Flea For Tennesee...

This has been my last week in this "new apt." the complex is really not new, but new to us. And it is nice, freshly painted, new carpeting, we have no pets, but....I have fleas!
For those of you who are my facebook friends you have probably read these posts....
It's not T for's flea for Texas! Fleas! Lord help me! :(
flea for Texas...flea for Tennessee...lalalala

Flee fleas! Carpets were sprayed. Carpets were vacuumed. NO fleas in sight! Does this make me a flea-flicker? What is a flea-flicker? I am losing it.....

It's official, I am the vacuum queen......3-4 times a day, living in flea paranoia will do that to a girl....Sorry fb friends......but no TV, Internet, and fleas tend to make a cowgirl cranky!!!!
I truly am the vacuum queen, and I really do vacuum at least twice a day now, and yes I am still finding fleas! Okay, it's gotten better and the exterminator said it would take up to 20 days, but do you know what its like to squirm and look at your feet 200 times a day cause you think there is a flea on it????? Can I sue for anxiety? I will give it one more week....then I will have to turn to drastic measures! Oh...slap, another one bites the dust, pesky little critters...good grief, I have moved and gone to hell. :(

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Howdy From Texas! Lord Help Me...

Well, here I the lone star state!
I have not blogged in sooooo long. And miss it! But I have been on quite the adventure! I finally moved from Windsor to Fort Worth, but was only in Fort Worth 5 days and had to go to California for a family medical emergency (I'll blog about that later), 3 weeks later, I finally made it back to Texas! My poor hubby...he was still stuck in an Extend America (hotel). But now we are moved into a new apartment and trying to get settled. Which has been very interesting to say the least!
I know that moving is always a bummer, the only thing good about it is you tend to get rid of stuff you don't need! That's the good news.
But all the changes that need to be made, cable, internet, phones, addresses, yada yada. Can you say nightmare???? I don't know if its my bad luck, Murphy's Law, or this frickin' state, but I am on the brink of insanity. We have been in this place for two weeks now and Lord help me.....still no cable tv (direct tv) 10 phone calls, 2 tech visits, service cancelled, suspended, turned on, turned off, on again, all to find our complex is MDU-multi dwelling unit, which means a 3rd party co. has to handle it.....whatever???????Not to mention, AT&T has tuned off our internet service (long story) but they are sending a new modem for wireless, because they sent us the wrong one in the first place! Okay, I know I'm a whiner.....but who are these people....they are in another country....Okay, I'm still whining...did I mention the TV also out in our gym? They are working on the roof....guess I am going to have to get a newspaper to see what the heck is happening out there....