Friday, November 27, 2009

You gotta luv em'

Family....families now days are so diverse.....they are ALL dysfunctional....that's what makes them so great.......Our family is a very Strong and Opinionated Family.....most thinking that they know more than everyone else.....I love that about all of them...even if I disagree.......nothing like a good difference of opinion! Even if I'm the only person in the family who is right!

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Give Thanks.......

As we approach Thanksgiving, I realize we have so much to be thankful for. Among the obvious for me are of course my family, my friends, and God. But I am also thankful to be an American. I am free. Free to worship God, free to speak my mind, free to live the life I choose.....unbelievable that there are still places in this world where this is not the case.
We live in a world that is changing....I love being free, I love that my country allows freedom of speech......we don't all agree, we have huge differences, but how lucky are we that we CAN.....
The part that worries me is that someday we may not....we have to put our differences aside, political views, republican, democrat, liberal, conservative, yes on new healthcare, no on new healthcare....blah blah blah, none of it will matter if we lose our freedom....Put God first, and ALWAYS fight for freedom.....and we will make it through anything....lose that.....and nothing else matters.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009


READ MY COMMON SENSE PAGE TODAY......I am very aggrivated with how this whole terrorist/trial situation is being handled! They are Terrorists who attacked our is an act of war! Turn them over to the military.....and let them deal with them.
Sick and tired of the Whimps in office.........

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Merry Christmas, already?

Okay, it's official....when one works in retail, Christmas comes early. Personally, I hate to see decorations out in October.....I'm old school on this one. It is not the Christmas Season until the Friday after Thanksgiving!!!
Yesterday at work, people were Christmas shopping everywhere! They had their lists and they were checking them twice! One guy bought 3 gift sets for wife and daughters....I actually said, Thank you and have a Merry Christmas....It was already half way out before I could stop myself! good's not Christmas yet! And I LOVE Christmas! So....Happy Thanksgiving!!!!! (for now) :0)
Ho ho ho....not!

Friday, November 13, 2009

Let it snow.....

Snowing in Northern Colorado today.....but it's okay, crock pots cooking, fire is warming, family is home safe, I'm off, and I get to sit back and watch it fall.....beautiful! Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow.......

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Taylor Swift!

Wow, Taylor Swift! She cleaned house last night at the CMA awards! How refreshing, a young talented girl with class! What a great role model for our young girls.....and never see her dressed inappropriately, you won't find her drunk, hungover, no underwear on, cigarette hanging from her mouth, screaming something obscene at the cameras.... a class act and successful, what a concept.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

If you don't believe in Miracles....

If you don't believe in miracles, then you're not looking. Open your eyes, because they are there. I'm working on a little project, not sure where it is taking me, but can't wait to find out! I have been praying for this adventure for a long time, God has put people in my life for the last 5 years that I had no idea would come into this picture.....suddenly it is all becoming clear. If you build it, they will come. If you believe, it will happen, if you have the courage.....sit back and watch the miracles.
more later......

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Just another day at work.....

Forgot what retail was like on Saturdays.....busy!
Okay, so here I am in ABC Dept. Store all by myself (as usual) on a Saturday afternoon, no problem! Maybe....I am busy, very busy. I am ringing up one customer, with another one in line behind her. When a nice young Hispanic man comes up to the counter and asks me "do you have any paper towels?" Yes, I do, great, my son just threw up......great! Place is swamped, I call management, send me clean-up ASAP! Okay, cleaned up.....pretty good, but forgot to wipe off the door to our stock room---the kid must have had projectile situation, more on the door later. About 20 minutes go by and feel pretty under control...then busy again, people everywhere, the same couple with the barfing kid come back to buy a few items (good, it's the least they could do) so I am ringing them up, they are nice, sorry for the barf yada yada...then...Crash, smash, breakage, and the smell of Polo fills the air...barf boy just dropped a 6 oz. bottle of Polo in the main isle of the men's fragrance dept.! Good grief....this 6 year old has gotta go....I call maintenance once again, they are busy.....I have to stop and sweep up the glass, mark the area with orange cones so know one falls.....can you say liability? Anyway, they leave, maintenance finally shows up, another half hour goes by, I'm feeling pretty organized and on top of it...when I spot it....and I mean "It"....she had on a bright blue skirt suite, black pumps, black shoulder length blunt cut,(wig) bright red lipstick...tons of jewelry....I noticed something odd about this, no, wait...that's it....very large hands, very very large feet...OMG, a man dressed as a woman....good grief! I am nice, very professional.....but one of my young sales associates...standing behind him...rolling her eyes, laughing, making funny gestures.....Lord help me.....just another Saturday in retail... oh yes, then I notice the barf splattered on the door, I spray 5 gallons of cleaner on it and let it run to the floor, then with my foot wipe it up with paper towel....I am not getting paid enough!

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Fake and Bake

Don't know who taught me that phrase...fake and bake, but it's what our family refers to for those yummy little cookies already made that you just break off and chocolate chip cookies in 10 minutes. Gone are the days of spending hours turning out those awesome home made cookies.....that's our world today. I want it and I want it now! Kind of sad......but....also wonderful! Hot chocolate chip cookies NOW, yum.......I have got to quit making those things....just say no, can't, pass me the milk...

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Good Stuff....

"Midlife is not a crisis; it's a time of rebirth. It's not a time to accept your death; it's a time to accept your life---and to finally, truly live it...."
Marianne Williamson
Amen Sister!

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Be a Noah

We all have those moments at church...when your sure the sermon was written directly for was one of those days.
Noah, what a guy......can you imagine building an ark, when the rest of the world thought you were nuts. Noah had such faith, he never wavered. He built that ark, no matter what obstacles got in the way, no matter what others said. He didn't just believe in God, he followed God's word. Noah did what God told him to do. What would our life, town, city, world look like if we did everything God told us to do? We have to dare to be different, if we want to make a difference, be a Noah.