Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Proud of Food Stamps?

I am so sick of this political climate! Shame on those in government who have to ease their guilty conscience by giving people something for free by fooling themselves into thinking that they are actually taking care of people! Do you really think giving someone a rat infested run down apartment in the projects with some food stamps and a block of government cheese is really going to help this person to achieve the American Dream? NO! We have to get people off the government dole, get them educated and get them jobs so they can live a better life! Shame on this government for thinking they are so great because they have increased the amount of people on food stamps from 28.2 million to 44.7 million people- a 59% increase! This is nothing to be proud of. Something to be proud of would be lowering taxes so people could afford a decent education, improving the economy so people could get a decent job, and claiming that under their administration they actually lowered the amount of people on food stamps! Now that’s something to be proud of!

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