Sunday, November 8, 2009

Just another day at work.....

Forgot what retail was like on Saturdays.....busy!
Okay, so here I am in ABC Dept. Store all by myself (as usual) on a Saturday afternoon, no problem! Maybe....I am busy, very busy. I am ringing up one customer, with another one in line behind her. When a nice young Hispanic man comes up to the counter and asks me "do you have any paper towels?" Yes, I do, great, my son just threw up......great! Place is swamped, I call management, send me clean-up ASAP! Okay, cleaned up.....pretty good, but forgot to wipe off the door to our stock room---the kid must have had projectile situation, more on the door later. About 20 minutes go by and feel pretty under control...then busy again, people everywhere, the same couple with the barfing kid come back to buy a few items (good, it's the least they could do) so I am ringing them up, they are nice, sorry for the barf yada yada...then...Crash, smash, breakage, and the smell of Polo fills the air...barf boy just dropped a 6 oz. bottle of Polo in the main isle of the men's fragrance dept.! Good grief....this 6 year old has gotta go....I call maintenance once again, they are busy.....I have to stop and sweep up the glass, mark the area with orange cones so know one falls.....can you say liability? Anyway, they leave, maintenance finally shows up, another half hour goes by, I'm feeling pretty organized and on top of it...when I spot it....and I mean "It"....she had on a bright blue skirt suite, black pumps, black shoulder length blunt cut,(wig) bright red lipstick...tons of jewelry....I noticed something odd about this, no, wait...that's it....very large hands, very very large feet...OMG, a man dressed as a woman....good grief! I am nice, very professional.....but one of my young sales associates...standing behind him...rolling her eyes, laughing, making funny gestures.....Lord help me.....just another Saturday in retail... oh yes, then I notice the barf splattered on the door, I spray 5 gallons of cleaner on it and let it run to the floor, then with my foot wipe it up with paper towel....I am not getting paid enough!

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