Sunday, November 22, 2009

Give Thanks.......

As we approach Thanksgiving, I realize we have so much to be thankful for. Among the obvious for me are of course my family, my friends, and God. But I am also thankful to be an American. I am free. Free to worship God, free to speak my mind, free to live the life I choose.....unbelievable that there are still places in this world where this is not the case.
We live in a world that is changing....I love being free, I love that my country allows freedom of speech......we don't all agree, we have huge differences, but how lucky are we that we CAN.....
The part that worries me is that someday we may not....we have to put our differences aside, political views, republican, democrat, liberal, conservative, yes on new healthcare, no on new healthcare....blah blah blah, none of it will matter if we lose our freedom....Put God first, and ALWAYS fight for freedom.....and we will make it through anything....lose that.....and nothing else matters.