Thursday, March 11, 2010

I have to Journal...

Okay, as most of you know, Margo and I are starting a wonderful non-profit "Emmie's Hope" to help self-esteem in middle school age girls. It has been a wonderful, emotional, exhausting and meaningful experience all rolled into one. However, we have also had some very defining moments and some hilarious to say the least.
If you have ever done this kind of work you can relate!
Two days ago were at a local strip mall, went into the office to talk to their marketing person, she loved our idea, our mission, how can she help, yada yada. We are working on a few things, discounts for our women who attend our fundraiser conference, etc. She may be able to help with placing some posters for us, awesome.
We mention to her we are going across the way to the Outlet Mall. They have this new Mega Sign right on I-25, I'm talking huge! One of those computerized things, where info and events just keep running....Margo and I thought wouldn't it be great if we could advertise our conference on that, yea right. We mention this to this girl (who was great and helpful) but she says, "Yea, good luck with that" haha. I'm telling you....that's all it takes for us, one sarcastic remark (not even in a bad way) and if you think we can't, forget it...we will. Long story short, they approved us to be on the sign! They are also going to give us discount tickets for the women at the conference, sell tickets at their main office for us and put our little "Emmie's Hope" logo on the sign as well. So, our event will be continuously running on I-25 right up to May 1st! Don't mess with menopausal women on a mission!

1 comment:

MommaRu said...

That is Awesome. If you build they will come!!!