Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Two Menopausal Women on a Mission!

Okay, as most of you know we are starting a non-profit from the ground up.......its a very good cause. Helping young girls with self-esteem to help them avoid at-risk behaviors, etc.
We are two women on a mission. This is a very hard thing to do. We seriously work 24/7 on this deal. Not to mention trying to juggle other jobs, projects, family etc. There are days when I literally feel like I am losing my mind. Here is a typical conversation between Margo and I, you be the judge.
On our cell phone in the morning. "Are you picking me up at 8 or 9, I can't remember? I can't remember either, how about 8:30, perfect. Where are we going today? I can't remember. We have to go to mail and copy for more copies to drop off to the Loveland School District, but we did that yesterday, I know it was the wrong building, we have to go pick them up and drop them off at their other office, then why do we need more copies, because we are making packets to drop off at Longmont office also, oh yea. In the car driving, it is so nice out today, we need to get a walk in. You are right, lets drop these off, go for a walk and then go to Longmont tomorrow, okay. Where are we? I don't know, do you remember? We were here yesterday, but I can't remember. Don't ask me, I know, I'll call the district office and ask...Margo driving and dialing cell phone (a no no) I am looking around to see if anything looks familiar, no. After all that was yesterday, how can I remember that far back? Oh there it is, great. Okay, now where are we going, on a walk? Well we are running out of time...Do you have a pen, no do you? Where's my glasses? I don't know. Where are we going? For a walk. Oh yea. Do we have anything tomorrow scheduled? I don't know, do you have your planner, no. Margo searches her blackberry (while driving) oh here it is, one meeting at Loodles at 9:00. Okay, pick me up at 8:30, okay. She is now dropping me off, I say what time are you picking me up tomorrow? She says, we didn't go on a walk! Oh yea, let's check our emails and I'll come over in about an hour and we'll walk, okay. See you tomorrow! :( good grief!


Jean said...

I've been in MANY conversations just like that! May you have MORE of all you need and LESS of all that is worthy of hair-pulling. Just keep swimming, swimming, swimming. You need to take some time to watch Where's Nemo!

Unknown said...

you are awesome!

(aka: hula muvz)