Saturday, June 4, 2011

An Email Sent From a Friend of My Sister's, So Sweet

This was sent from a good friend of the family on May 30,I have been wanting to share it with you all, kind of puts things in perspective!

"Good morning,

Well, this must be heaven. Yesterday, as you may have heard , was to be the end of this earth as we know it.

Well. today is a very special day. The sun is shinning, the birds in the back yard seem to be singing a little louder, my wife is enjoying her sleeping in this morning a little longer, both dogs woke me with kisses, we paid all our Utility bills on time (I know because the coffee pot made a specially good cup this morning), plus, and the best news of all is our dear friend and former Long Beach neighbor Harlean appears to be on the comeback from a horrific heart attack and coma. Her friends and family have said she has opened her eyes and recognizes all and responds with requests to do various responses.

Isn't life wonderful? Jack"

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