Monday, January 23, 2012

Happy New Year!

Cannot believe it is late January 2012!
The holidays have come and gone, and by now many people have failed at their attempt for some kind of New Year's Resolution. I try not to make those anymore...however this year I told myself I am just going to try to make healthier choices. Food, fitness, TV, movies, books, friends, life! I want to live a healthy life.
As I embark on this "empty-nest" life...I realize that it is so easy or maybe just lazy to let the bad stuff in. Depressing news, violent movies, french fries, carbs, whatever the culprit is, I am going to work on cutting those bad things out! If I can eliminate even half of them I will have succeeded in my resolution.
So if any of you out there are sticking to your New Year's Resolution, congrat's! If not, join me! Eliminate one negative unhealthy thing today, turn off the news, drink water instead of that coke, make brown rice instead of white, stop and thank God for your blessings instead of whining about something you don't have.
Happy New Year, let's make 2012 a healthy, happy one! :)

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