Monday, January 30, 2012

Wanted: Beautiful Skin some point in time a girl should not have to worry about break-outs, like 50 something! I get that I have to handle wrinkles, lines, age-spots, etc. but this is too much. So I did a little research and to go along with my eat healthy, be healthy thing, I looked into foods that help make my skin healthy.
Here's what I found:
Water-drink more of it
mangos, berries, cherries
almonds, walnuts, sunflower seeds
cottage cheese
flaxseed oil, wheat germ
canola oil, olive oil
and of course, more green veggies, fruit, and less fat, carbs, sugar....
I know all this...and have done a better job with it.
So, now maybe this 20 frickin' lbs. will start to go away as well....

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