Friday, December 11, 2009

Christian Faith and Merry Christmas

I read this great article the other talked about being politically correct at Christmas. The Obama administration was thinking about not having the Nativity Scene at the White House this year, they were trying to have a "non-religious" Christmas. The article went on to say how ridiculous this was (I agree) and that they should consider and I quote "respect for other people's faith is not accomplished by hiding your own" Amen! What a great thing to true. The truth is we are America, we have FREEDOM of Religion. Christmas is a celebration of the birth of Christ, it is a Christian Religion! If people want to celebrate another religion, they have that freedom! Everyone needs to embrace that freedom, you cannot show respect for other religions by hiding Christianity! Our country was founded on Christian Belief's, and when you think about all the $$$$$ being made by businesses during Christmas.....yet they don't have the courage to say Merry Christmas....or our president and family who claim to be Christian...not having the courage to let Christian symbols be displayed on a Christian holiday....what does that say to people of other faith's, do they to have to hide their religious celebrations? We are so out of touch with reality, it is mind blowing.....get real! Merry Christmas, Christ was born, and gives us everlasting life.....hallelujah!
ps-the nativity scene is being displayed at the White House :)
kudos to them!

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