Sunday, December 20, 2009

Letter to my "Families In Need" Group

Twas' nine days before Christmas, and all through my house,
the women were arriving, they were getting ready to pounce!
They had food, and supplies, and gifts they did bring,
They were all dressed in their festive attire, I knew soon the angels would sing,
The presents were wrapped with kindness and joy.......God would soon answer prayers of each girl and each boy
The bracelets were made, and attached with god's words,
blankets and booties and diapers were given, gift cards and turkeys all with God's love,
I know He is smiling from heaven above.....
There are no words to say how awesome is this.........the hearts of these ladies, and all of their love,
And we must mention the men.......
They all came early that morning and ready to go, nothing could stop them, not even snow.
So out in their trucks with maps in hand, delivering the gifts to each mom and dad
Each year this gets bigger, and the needs much more, but my town is special, for them it's no chore,
Everyone is giving and all know HIM,
Whenever I doubt and think this is too much, or start thinking negative and such, I picture my house on the night we all gather and I know God is happy, and that's all that matters.

**Thank you so much for all that you do......give thanks to God, because He is in charge. Each family received their boxes, some where home and some were left on the doorstep (with permission). The people at home were overwhelmed and in tears. Some of our elves were a little choked up as well. Everyone involved, pat yourselves on the back, because of you 17 families have relief and a Christmas.....good work people!
love you all, diane

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