Friday, July 23, 2010

Flea For Texas.....Flea For Tennesee...

This has been my last week in this "new apt." the complex is really not new, but new to us. And it is nice, freshly painted, new carpeting, we have no pets, but....I have fleas!
For those of you who are my facebook friends you have probably read these posts....
It's not T for's flea for Texas! Fleas! Lord help me! :(
flea for Texas...flea for Tennessee...lalalala

Flee fleas! Carpets were sprayed. Carpets were vacuumed. NO fleas in sight! Does this make me a flea-flicker? What is a flea-flicker? I am losing it.....

It's official, I am the vacuum queen......3-4 times a day, living in flea paranoia will do that to a girl....Sorry fb friends......but no TV, Internet, and fleas tend to make a cowgirl cranky!!!!
I truly am the vacuum queen, and I really do vacuum at least twice a day now, and yes I am still finding fleas! Okay, it's gotten better and the exterminator said it would take up to 20 days, but do you know what its like to squirm and look at your feet 200 times a day cause you think there is a flea on it????? Can I sue for anxiety? I will give it one more week....then I will have to turn to drastic measures! Oh...slap, another one bites the dust, pesky little critters...good grief, I have moved and gone to hell. :(


Grooveymom said...
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MommaRu said...

Hey, if you need help on finding out more on how to get ride of these nasty things there are a few helpful ads on your set currently!!