Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Random Diet Thoughts....

I hate my scale, it is the bearer of bad news. Are you kidding me? I cannot lose weight. So obviously I am still eating too much. I have been counting calories, my cardinal rule is to stay under
1500. I would say I average about 1300 a day. This is not enough to lose weight, I don't gain (Thank goodness) but don't's the deal, the more I exercise the hungrier I am. How do you run 3 miles and not get hungry?
Isn't there some rule floating around out there that says once you reach 50....pot belly's are cute? Why can't they be? Chubby thighs on babies are cute, how come they can't be on me?
If I eat one more raw carrot, I will barf.
Okay, can I eat 1,000 calories today and not go over? Are there any lunches at Outback that are even under that amount? (Since I have a lunch date there today)...wonder if I can have one rib and raw carrots there? Pray for me.....:0(

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