Wednesday, August 25, 2010

What the heck has happened to us?

Normally I save this stuff for my "Common Sense" page, but it is weighing heavy on me today. I tend to listen to more National news and Political news because that is where my interest lies. However, now that I am in the Dallas/Fort Worth area I have been listening to more and more local news.
Everyday, and I mean EVERYDAY, a child dies a horrible death, beaten, strangled, kidnapped and murdered. I am in shock over the violence and crime that take place in our cities daily. What the hell has happened to us? Where is God in all this?
We have taken God out of everything so we will be politically correct. Political correctness is what is killing our great nation. Because we have free speech we allow all the crap and evil out there to be spread in all of our TV shows, movies, music. Is it any wonder our children are confused? Where is the good? Forget about what we can do....what about what we should do? Where is our moral conscience? Because abortion is legal, should we teach our young girls that this is the answer. Should we glamorize sex, porn, adultery, and whatever other bullshit we can think of because we can? We need to protect our children, teach them morals, teach them that there are consequences for their actions. We need to change the direction of the country. We need take care of the victims, not the criminals. God gave us the choice between evil and good. It's that simple. We can choose the good or the bad. I personally don't care anymore about the rights of people corrupting our society. I know in our government all people are protected and have rights. But somehow we have twisted every evil and bad deed into someone's rights. What about the good? Why can't we just choose the good? Not because its the legal thing to do but because its the right and moral thing to do?

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