Saturday, August 29, 2009


I had a birthday this month....not something I ever look forward to. The fact that I have to say numbers that start with a 5......uhg! My awesome friend, Nancy, always gets me on track and reminds me of what a blessing birthdays are....she is right, they are a blessing. She reminds me life is something to celebrate! She gave me a little "celebration" party last night, too fun! Life IS a gift from God, every time we turn one year older, it is His gift. He looks down on my pitiful self and says: today is special, I chose to give you another year of life, what did you do with it? What are you going to do with the next one? When I turned 50 my niece Melanie sent me an email to say happy birthday. (she probably doesn't even remember this) In her message she knew I wasn't too happy about turning 50. But went on to tell me about a girl in her life (I don't want to get into names) but she was a young mother who was taken early by cancer. She was married with a child. She had shared with Melanie how she hated to hear people complaining about getting older, grey hair, wrinkles, all the stuff that goes with it.......she would have given anything to experience those watch her kids grow old, to watch herself grow old.....Mel will never know how much that hit me, I printed the email off and still have it, I take it out and read it every so often......puts things in perspective. Enjoy life, enjoy birthdays, enjoy aging. I think it's time to pull it out again and read it. I am one of the lucky ones.....I had a birthday this year. luv to Mel and Nancy....

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