Monday, August 24, 2009


Today is Monday. Remember that old saying "today is the first day of the rest of your life?" It's true, when you think about it, everyday is. But today really feels like that. It's the first day of school for So he's not here at home, he is off in his dorm room. I didn't get to make him a special breakfast this morning, or help him get his new school supplies loaded up in his new backpack......or take his picture, walk him to his new class or drop him off at his new school, or kiss him good bye.......he's on his own. And I am on my own this morning, sitting here with my cup of coffee feeling lost. Most of you know, my daughter got married this summer, she is not here either.......My wonderful husband is here (still in bed :)), but it's not the same...not for a mom. So, there you go, it IS the first day of the rest of my life! I can choose to wallow in self-pity, or I can get going and make it a great day......I will probably wallow for awhile, but I will move forward! No more excuses........I should now have a little extra time for myself. Maybe I'll get fit and lose that 20 lbs. I've been blaming on child bearing for 20 years, or maybe I'll go back to school, or maybe write a book! I'll start with getting up and taking a step at a time.

1 comment:

MommaRu said...

I am crying right now for i think about what an awesome future you have in front of you, but also how hard it is to say good-bye to the last 20 years. I'm thankful Clay is close by and you get to enjoy his college football.