Monday, August 17, 2009

Okay, so I said I was back........that was July 4th! It is August 17th!
Where does time go? I have had a HUGE summer......Chelsea got married! Clay is going to college......I will be an empty-nester......Lord help Mike!
Life is good (I think). I need to now get a life! Any suggestions will be appreciated. I am open, what does a middle aged groovy girl do with herself?
One who has been a mom and housewife for the past 23 years? I need a job! One that is flexible, and has meaning, is creative, and has serious cash flow, haha! Don't we all need this job?

1 comment:

Jean said...

hey, Diane - great job with the blog! I had no idea you were doing this. I'm with ya, Girl --- where do we go from here? I'll be looking for more posts and cheering you along as you figure it all out.
Thanks again for the great time on Saturday!
Happy belated Birthday, Fiend!
