Thursday, September 10, 2009

Gotta keep movin'

Okay, I went to spinlates last night, yea! But I was home today, all I had bran flakes for breakfast....good girl. Then I was hungry 2 hours later, so ate some leftover noodle stuff with green beans, healthy right? Green beans? Then was hungry 2 hours after that, lunch? Okay, pb&j, yum.....then I was bored, so I made peanut butter chocolate chunk oatmeal cookies, probably about 1000 calories per cookie....then dinner, I know, something small, light, tuna melts! And more noodle stuff with green beans. Then cookies for dessert, why is it I can't lose weight??????????????? Thank goodness for my neighbor, she came over and made me go for a walk, that was good, right? Just gotta keep movin' :)

1 comment:

MommaRu said...

YOu can do it grooveymom. We are training for a tri you should jump on the band wagon. You need motivation.