Saturday, September 5, 2009


Okay, starting to get, blog, face book...too much of ME, out there for all of YOU. However, all of YOU seem to be out there are we all out there together? Thinking I need to make my blog about other stuff, not me. I never really wanted it to be about me.....but of course giving my opinion and writing stories about things in my life make it about me. Ugh! Who IS reading this anyway? Probably only a few people. Bummer, I want to reach the can I get this blog noticed? Maybe I'll open a twitter account. What the heck is twitter? No, maybe I need more RSS feed, what's that? Oh no, the phone is must be "big brother", should I delete something, I'm not answering......

1 comment:

MommaRu said...

like this one!!! i'm thinking the internet is the way the government is going to take total control. :)