Monday, September 14, 2009

what the heck is all this stuff?

Okay, I have 3 email accounts, don't ask. 1 facebook account. 1 twitter account. 1 blog site. I belong to blogher, sitemeter, AdSense, and more. Now my niece says I need blogfrog, but I need a widget. My blog site has gadgets that you get to from your dashboard. But I can't find anything on my dashboard that says widget? We actually call my other niece Widget (nickname) but I don't think she can help.....I have also been researching Pings, from ping-o-matic, someone told me I need pings.....I'd like to take all these gadgets and widgets (not you K.) and pings and shove them up someones blogfrog.......whatever.

1 comment:

MommaRu said...

LOL!!! Thank you for giving me a groovey laugh.