Tuesday, September 1, 2009

The Trojan Warrior

Okay, I have gone totally techno! Yesterday I finally joined facebook, I think I had 25 friends in 25 minutes....I had no idea you people were all out there members of this crazy club....without me!
Anyway, back to blog reality. I love this whole blogging thing, very fun. And trying to make it a profitable small business thing makes it even better. I know most of you get the "ad thing", AdSense, they place ads on your site, if people click on the ads you earn money, yada yada. When you join AdSense you are able to request or deny any ad content you want. I placed filters on singles stuff, sex and reproduction stuff, drugs, you get the picture. However, one day I logged on and there was this large Trojan Condom ad, good grief, not that condoms are a bad thing. But I think that falls under sex and reproduction stuff. I logged into my AdSense account and checked my filters, all in place. So what's up with Trojan? It soon passed and I haven't seen the ad again. Then I get a message from a friend on facebook, she enjoyed my blog, yada yada, but did I realize I have Trojan ad's? Right next to my daughters wedding picture? I told my husband about this mysterious Trojan ad, he didn't see why I would filter this stuff? Are you kidding, if you allow it, I'm sure I would be a billboard for Vialis, Viagra, erectile dysfunction, not to mention, Hi, I'm Bambi, call me stuff.....anyway, if you try to contact AdSense, it's impossible. No phone number, and if you read comments from other people, they read-has anyone out there ever reached anyone at google AdSense? The replies are always no, and with a little attitude, like are you nuts, no one has ever talked to them, kind of like the CIA or something. So anyway, Mike and I have named this guy the Trojan Warrior, he's out there riding on a thread sneaking into blogs daring everyone to catch him. If you see him on Grooveymom....please ignore.


Unknown said...

Good Job Groovey Mom!

MommaRu said...

Momsways has seen the Trojan Warrior also, but I did 't have the energy or the cell minutes to investigate. Adsense is a WHIP to contact.