Thursday, October 8, 2009

At Least I Smell Good.......

I have to look at the bright side. But feeling a little like I have a case of the whine flu today.....feel like whining!
My daughter is gone, (married), my son is gone, (college), my hubby is gone (out of town on work), my sis is gone, (on a cruise, my faithful email buddy), and its can't walk with my new walking partner! :0( However, I am going to work today at xxxx department store.....which last night was very I clean, straighten, and sample perfume. I go in smelling very ordinary, I come out smelling like a french whore.....seriously, last night after I put on my PJ's, I was laying in bed with Roxy (my little pooch) and watching TV. I kept thinking what smells so darn good...the blankets, sheets? NO, ME! I smell great! So there you go, at least I smell good. There's always a bright side.

1 comment:

MommaRu said...

Good attitude. What do you recommend. I need to buy a new bottle. I love smelling good!!