Friday, October 16, 2009

French Whore?

In response to the comments I have received on the "french whore" remarks......(from at least I smell good post)I have to laugh. Where did that come from? And what about whores from other countries....??? Anyway, you'll like this. Tonight I came home and while checking my emails, I notice a wonderful smell...of course its me, but a different smell, one I cannot quite identify...hmmmm, what is this luscious smell? Too funny, one wrist smells of a mixture, very feminine...the other, like a cute young guy (not that I really know what that means) but that's how I would describe this....maybe something my son or son-in-law would wear......I got it! Its Aqua di Gio....for men, its yummy and my whole right arm smells like it......amazing, I think I'll wear it tomorrow at there a law against that? Better check with the boss....pleasant smells...

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