Friday, October 30, 2009

Groovey Community!

Each year I organize a Needy Family project during the holidays. Each year it grows, more families, more volunteers that help (earth angels). Each year I am in awe of how God works in this process. I was part of a similar project in Ca. before moving here to Colorado. When I got here I started one here because I realized I needed it as much as my families in need do. Anyway, this is our
4th year.
06' 3 families (8 people) 7 volunteers.
07' 4 families (14 people) 10 volunteers.
08' 11 families (40 people) 28 volunteers
09' 13 families (44 people and counting) 28 volunteers and counting.
Amazing......when I start feeling sorry for myself, I read my list of families in need.....I don't have to say the words, "out of work, dad in Iraq, stage 4 colon cancer, 16 and pregnant, mentally disabled, food stamps, free lunch program, no insurance, electricity and water turned off........I am blessed. And I am blessed to live in a community where people give from their pockets and their hearts, awesome. (day one, already a wonderful friend and volunteer has ordered 5 baby books for the 5 pregnant girls in need). Ordered and paid for. Tell me I don't live a groovey community!

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